Summer is just around the corner!

A ship belongs to the sea, cruising among the waves and shoals of fish. When the opposite is the case, this means certain special circumstances have occurred, impeding carefree sailing.
Owners often forget that a thorough preparation for the upcoming season is just as important as preparing the ship for its winter rest. Have you been wondering if there was something you may have neglected to do, something you have been economizing on, something you may have skipped when getting your ship ready?

The safety of vessels, persons and property is our priority, so it is only natural that we constantly remind you of the importance of good preparation and the fact that we provide professional assistance in that respect.

Vessel preparation for the new season, or “spring maintenance”, as we like to call it, depends on how well the vessel was prepared for its winter stowage. We recommend that all mandatory technical preparation is done on time in order to avoid unnecessary delays and uneasiness. This includes engine deconservation and commissioning, exchange of zinc protectors, control and set-up of underwater valves, control of electrical installations and devices, renewal of the antifouling coating on the underwater parts, as well as vessel touch-ups such as cleaning, washing and polishing of the sides, the deck, the teak wood and inox surfaces.

Your time is precious, so entrust all activities you cannot or prefer not to do yourself to our yacht services or our authorised contract partners. Our friendly professional staff is ready to provide advice, ensuring your voyage and vacation is as carefree as possible.
Members of Marina Punat Group