Permanent berth rental

Are you looking for a marina that is easily accessible; an organised and safe nautical port where, after hard work and a life full of stress, you can rest, relax and feel special as you enjoy the freedom of sailing and challenges of the sea? The home for your boat becomes your second home, and Marina Punat is perfect as a wise and comfortable choice.
The price list of berths for vessel in Croatia you can find in our brochure OFFER OF SERVICES AND PRICE LIST.

Berth prices in the Croatian Marina Punat depend on the type of the package that you choose. Packages that we provide:
  • Premium berth enables you to prepare your boat for sailing in no time, with surveillance of your vessel for a resonable price
  • Premium Comfort berth provides a side access to the vessel, berth located in the central part, nearby all services of Marina Punat for all that love commodity
  • Premium Plus berth is perfect for owners of larger yachts who want access to the central basin for easy manoeuvring of the vessel.  Proximity to the marinas services and special benefits for a special feeling
Check for more details about services of every berth and find a package suitable for you.

Signing the annual berthing contract for your boat makes you also a resident of Marina Punat. The  Marina Club Membership Card brings a handful of benefits and exclusive perks at the tips of your fingers.
The expert team in the marina and Yacht Service are sure to recognize and fulfill your personal needs, and keep your vessel fully functional.

When you return home, you can rest assured that your valuable property has been left in the hands of reliable partners,with an eye for detail, and in the professionalism of a good host who will take the best care of your boat.

Members of Marina Punat Group